Ozarks Alliance To End Homelessness

What is a Continuum of Care?

The Ozarks Alliance to End Homelessness (OAEH) serves as our community’s Continuum of Care – the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) designated regional planning body for coordinating homeless services and funding. We work on a community-wide level with agencies, advocates and individuals to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief and non-recurring in Christian, Greene and Webster Counties.

Community Partnership of the Ozarks has facilitated this initiative locally since 1995 when HUD established the program nationally in an effort to coordinate housing and services funding for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Through the OAEH, HUD distributes funding of over $1 million to local agencies to provide direct shelter and support services.

The OAEH is led by an Executive Board and has several active sub-committees. All meetings are open to the public and the community is encouraged to attend. To learn more about the work the OAEH does, please see our 2019 OAEH Year in Review . See below for more information and direct any questions to Emily Fessler at efessler@cpozarks.org

To learn more about Crisis Cold Weather Shelters visit our Crisis Cold Weather Shelters webpage.

Crisis Cold Weather Shelter Sites

Crisis Cold Weather Shelter sites operate from November 1st through March 31st on nights below 32 degrees. To learn more about Crisis Cold Weather Shelters visit our Crisis Cold Weather Shelters webpage.

Federal Funding Opportunities

HUD Continuum of Care Special Opportunity for Unsheltered Homelessness NOFO

HUD Continuum of Care Grant

MHDC Emergency Solutions Grant

Data & Reports

OAEH Strategic Plan

OAEH Strategic Action Plan

Homeless System of Care Analysis of Need 2022

Point in Time Count Data

Institute for Community Alliances PIT Dashboard

Local Unsheltered Reports

High-Risk and Homeless Youth Studies

Homeless Youth Gaps Analysis

Missouri Statewide Homelessness Studies

OAEH Executive Priorities, Policies, and Procedures

OAEH Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Application to join full OAEH

MO 600 HUD CoC Monitoring

OAEH Monitoring Policy

OAEH Quarterly Monitoring

OAEH Annual Monitoring

HUD CoC Monitoring Resources

OAEH Committees

Some OAEH Committees meet in-person and some meet virtually, to receive further meeting details please contact Emily Fessler at efessler@cpozarks.org

Healthcare to Housing Coalition

The Healthcare to Housing Coalition looks at closer collaboration and partnerships between the homeless services system of care and healthcare partners in Greene, Christian, and Webster counties. The OAEH’s goal is to work together to fix issues as they related to healthcare for those experiencing homelessness and housing for those with healthcare needs. This Coalition meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 3:00 p.m. at the O’Reilly Center for Hope.

Homeless Veterans Task Force

The Homeless Veterans Task Force brings partner agencies together to find solutions and offer support to help end veteran homelessness in our community. This task force meets quarterly on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October at 1:30 p.m. at the O’Reilly Center for Hope.

Homeless Youth Task Force

The Homeless Youth Task Force brings partner agencies together to find solutions and offer support to help end youth homelessness in our community. This task force meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the O’Reilly Center for Hope.

Christian County Homeless Alliance

The Christian County Homeless Alliance brings partner agencies together to find solutions and offer support to help end homelessness in Christian County. This group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Least of These Food Pantry in Ozark.

Systems and Services Committee

The Systems and Services Committee offers support and networking opportunities for federally funded agencies in our community. This group often discusses system successes and challenges, emerging issues facing those who are homeless, collective training needs for staff, and gaps in services, as well as topics related to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding implementation/requirements. Ozarks Alliance to End Homelessness, our local Continuum of Care, is a SYSTEM of care made up of agencies focused on addressing the housing needs of our neighbors, therefore, all homeless service agencies are welcome and encouraged to attend. This group meets virtually on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.