O’Reilly Center for Hope

The O’Reilly Center for Hope brings together multiple partner agencies in support of affordable housing and financial stability. Accessing services is frequently difficult for those living in poverty or experiencing homelessness, but a single site reduces transportation and other access barriers.

The’ O’Reilly Center for Hope – a community hub focusing on improving the lives of individuals, families with children and veterans who need help to becoming housed and self-sufficient – is located in the former Pepperdine Elementary School at 1518 E. Dale.

The O’Reilly family – Charlie & Mary Beth, David & Stacey, Larry & Anya and Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten – donated $1 million to make the center a reality.

O'Reilly Center for Hope Partners and Services:

  • Burrell Behavioral Health: Mental health and addiction services and support.
  • Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri: HUD-certified financial and housing counseling.
  • Consumer Credit Counseling Services: Credit repair and budgeting assistance.
  • Division of Social Services: SNAP and Medicaid applications
  • Greene County Family Support Division: Food stamps and Medicaid.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Home ownership opportunities.
  • Legal Services of Southern Missouri: Legal assistance for low-income households.
  • Missouri Job Center: Employment and workforce development services and training.
  • Missouri State University School of Nursing: Wellness and wound care.
  • MSU Care: Medical services and Medicaid application assistance.
  • OACAC: Basic needs support and educational programming.
  • Springfield Community Land Trust: Affordable home ownership.
  • Springfield Public Schools (SPS): Aids kids and their families who are facing homelessness
  • Veterinarian Volunteer Services: Provides a variety of free services including vaccinations
  • WIC: Supplemental nutrition for women, infants and children.

On-site resources

In addition, the O’Reilly Center for Hope will provide community access to critical resources on site, including:

  • Computer and Internet access for job and housing searches.
  • Resource guide services: Volunteer guides will assist each guest with connecting to on-site and community resources – food pantries, LIHEAP applications, Housing Authority applications, etc.
  • Laundry and shower services
  • Mail services – Providing a mailing address and access to mail on-site. This will be coordinated through a robust volunteer pool recruited by dedicated faith community partners.
  • Hygiene and first aid supplies.

Training and education

This O’Reilly Center for Hope offers a training center, which will be our hub for community engagement. We will provide free community education and training on-site, and as a magnet site for training and educational programming, we will incorporate state-of-the-art technology for the delivery of high-quality sight and sound, which will enable us to offer regular classes and workshops such as:

  • Starting a Small Business/How to be an Entrepreneur.
  • Eviction Mitigation and Foreclosure Prevention
  • Triple P Parenting
  • Parent Cafes
  • How to Become a Section 8 Landlord
  • Fair Housing Laws and Landlord/Tenant Education
  • Housing Quality Standards
  • Better Rental Living
  • Basic Budgeting and Financial Literacy
  • Homebuyer Education and Financial Coaching
  • Employment and Workforce Development Skills
  • Weatherization to Reduce Utility Costs

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Services and Partners at the O'Reilly Center for Hope

Please click on the agency name for more information. Not all partners will be at the O’Reilly Center for Hope every day.  Not all partners and services on available on-site yet. We’re working quickly to make all of those available!

One Door

When facing a housing crisis, understanding and navigating the systems of services can be confusing and overwhelming. One Door assists in maneuvering through those crucial systems by providing a central point of entry for coordinated intake, assessment and referrals for housing and shelter services.  One Door is also home to a growing Shelter Diversion program, which has worked to divert more than 80 adults and 90 children from the shelter system as of January 2017. One Door serves those who are homeless or at immediate risk of homelessness throughout Greene, Christian and Webster counties.

Springfield Community Land Trust

A Community Land Trust or CLT is a non-profit organization that provides access to affordable home ownership. CLTs sell homes to people who are credit-worthy with low to moderate incomes. While buyers own the house, the land beneath their home belongs to the CLT. The homeowner holds rights to the land by paying a small fee through a leasehold agreement.

For qualified individuals and families, Springfield Community Land Trust offers substantially renovated or new construction energy efficient homes in center city Springfield

Legal Services of Southern Missouri

Our lawyers may provide counsel, advice or full representation to clients in the following types of cases: lease agreement dispute, landlord lockouts, poor living conditions and public housing issues. LSSM may also assist with homeownership and real property issues. Each case is reviewed on its own legal merits for case acceptance.

Resources to Help our Guests and Clients

Please click on the links to access information; you will be taken to an external site.  Accessing these online can save you a trip to the O’Reilly Center for Hope.

Medicaid and Food Stamps

Apply for Family Support Division benefits, including family healthcare, SNAP (food stamps), child care subsidies and other benefits. Family Support Division is not currently seeing applicants in person; applications are taken online and interviews conducted by phone.

OACAC’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Provides utility assistance to low income households.

Springfield Affordable Housing Vacancies

The City of Springfield maintains a list of affordable housing vacancies that may be accessed at https://www.springfieldmo.gov/DocumentCenter/View/25112/Affordable-Housing-Vacancies-PDF. This is a great starting point if you need housing!

For more information about the O’Reilly Center for Hope and the services offered, contact Michelle Garand at mgarand@cpozarks.org.